Unveiling Panorama at LWMOOCs: The Future of Cross-Platform Learning Management System Analytics

Panorama: an LMS analytics system at any scale

In today’s digital age, educational institutions are increasingly relying on Learning Management Systems (LMS) and other learning support tools to enhance the educational experience. While these platforms offer valuable data analysis and reporting features, they often operate in silos, limiting the scope of insights that can be derived. Moreover, with the proliferation of multiple learning systems across institutions, there’s a growing need for a holistic view of data across all platforms. Enter Panorama, Aulasneo’s revolutionary learning management system analytics engine.

Why Panorama?

Panorama is not just another analytics tool. It\’s a comprehensive solution designed to provide a complete picture of what happens in the virtual campus. With its advanced filtering capabilities and customizable dashboards, Panorama bridges the gap between isolated data domains, offering a unified view of learning data at scale.

Medium and large size institutions usually have more than one LMS. Different schools or departments may have their own learning management system. Panorama allows those institutions to have a unified view across all its systems, while keeping data secure and controlled. This includes multiple LMS instances of the same or different brands and versions.

Its powerful data access control permits that data is accessible only to the authorized users, at department, organization or overall level.

Additionally, the LMS is only a part of an educational endeavor. Other tools are needed to complement the learning experience and the institution administration. For example, videoconference systems, survey tools, student information systems, e-commerce services and marketing tools are only a small set of elements that compose the learning ecosystem. Thanks to its open and scalable architecture, Panorama permits that the data from all these systems be combined to enable complex and rich information analyses.

LMS Analytics Architecture Overview

Panorama’s architecture is built on three foundational pillars:

  • Extraction Agents: Distributed processes that connect to underlying data sources, ensuring that operational systems remain unaffected.
  • Data Lake Store: A flexible and scalable storage solution that can handle structured, semi-structured, and non-structured data sources seamlessly.
  • Data Pipeline: A transformative process that converts raw data into platform-independent objects, enabling interoperability and data exchange beyond the organization.

Data Extraction & Loading

Panorama employs advanced data extraction agents that periodically dump operational data into the data lake store. Techniques such as incremental updates and partitioning ensure efficient data processing and transfer for the LMS analytics engine.

Data Lake Store

The data lake concept offers unmatched flexibility, scalability, and the ability to store files in multiple formats, catering to virtually unlimited data capacities.

Data Pipeline

At the heart of Panorama is its robust data pipeline. Through structured query language (SQL) statements, this pipeline transforms raw data into abstract objects. It addresses challenges like data duplication across systems, ensuring a unique representation for each entity. The LMS analytics data pipeline also supports complex views across systems, allowing for intricate operations like joins, unions, and filtering, even between heterogeneous data sources.

Use Cases of Panorama LMS Analytics

Panorama’s versatility extends to various use cases:

  • Data Standards: Institutions can adopt standards like Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) and SIF infrastructure specifications with ease.
  • Business Intelligence: By integrating data from diverse sources, Panorama facilitates the creation of comprehensive dashboards and reports.
  • Machine Learning: With a consolidated data set, Panorama paves the way for training more accurate and effective machine learning models.

A Prestigious Showcase at MIT

We are thrilled to announce that Aulasneo will be showcasing the latest developments of Panorama at the upcoming LWMOOCs conference on October 12, hosted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The LWMOOCs conference is organized by the prestigious IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engeneering) Education Society

Being selected to present at MIT, one of the world\’s most prestigious technology universities, and in an IEEE conference, is a testament to the groundbreaking nature of our Panorama developments. It underscores our commitment to pushing the boundaries of eLearning analytics and our dedication to excellence.


In a world where data drives decisions, Panorama by Aulasneo stands out as a beacon of innovation. By breaking down data silos and offering a comprehensive view of the virtual campus, it promises to revolutionize the way educational institutions leverage data for enhanced learning outcomes. Join us at MIT for the IEEE’s LWMOOCs conference and witness the future of learning management system analytics.

If you want to know more about our LMS contact us.

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