Andres Gonzalez

What is instructional design

What is instructional design?

Let\’s learn about the importance of good design in virtual learning Instructional design is the process of creating effective and engaging educational experiences for learners. It involves the use of various instructional techniques and technologies to design and deliver learning materials that meet specific learning objectives. Pedagogy is a key element of instructional design. It […]

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pomodoro technique aulasneo

The Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro technique study When taking the edX Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything, based on the book \”Learn like a pro\” by Oakley Barbara Ph.D. and Schewe Olav. we came across this magnificent technique to study and solve tasks. Today we want to share it with you!We want to introduce

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how do we use data

How do we use data?

what we use the data for? Have you ever had to decide which ice cream to order in your kilo? Or which toy to buy with the money your parents gave you? Or maybe you had to choose between taking the subway or the bus to get to your destination. In all these cases, you

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woman´s day aulasneo

International Women\’s Day

At aulasneo we commemorate women\’s day At aulasneo® we join the celebration of UN Women and the United Nations on International Women\’s Day under the slogan \”For an inclusive digital world: Innovation and technology for gender equality\”. Being part of the digital ecosystem involves us and makes us part of this change, which is why we work every day with our team

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aulasneo qc services

Quality Control Services

Aulasneo provides Quality Control QC services for online Courses This service consists of auditing the contents and functionalities of online courses. We make sure the courses meet the instructional design experts and teachers goals. This service offered by Aulasneo is aimed to high quality content educational institutions. The goal is delivering a course without typos,

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harvard report

Return to Classroom Teaching

We share some thoughts on the report of the Harvard task force on the Future of Teaching and Learning (FTL). As we all know, in 2020 the world was plunged into a pandemic that kept practically everyone locked in their homes, having to get used to a different way of life and adapt to new

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