Quality Control Services

aulasneo qc services

Aulasneo provides Quality Control QC services for online Courses

This service consists of auditing the contents and functionalities of online courses. We make sure the courses meet the instructional design experts and teachers goals.

This service offered by Aulasneo is aimed to high quality content educational institutions. The goal is delivering a course without typos, broken links or missing interactive components. These are typical errors that have a big impact on the student experience.

Why is it important to review the course content?

To ensure that the course offered to the students meet the quality standards of the institution.

Quality Control (QC) is a detailed-oriented discipline that checks, tests and adjusts the deliverables of a course. This revision is done after all contents and components are uploaded to the online platform.

For example, in a course it involves:

  • Testing that all buttons and links work properly,
  • Verify that the sound is synchronized correctly,
  • Check that the animations work as expected.
  • Check that the images are clear
  • Check that grammar and punctuation follow the institution\’s standards and style guides.

We work with a style guide that adapts to the client\’s needs.

If you want to know more about this service, please contact us at info@aulasneo.com 

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