CEEF: Success stories with aulasneo


Centro Europeo de Educación Física (CEEF)

[Challenge 1] CEEF, an Academy with on-site courses had to modernize its remote offering. In 2017 they were offering distance learning courses that consisted in mailing the student books (physical books). Once the remote students were ready, they would fill up a form with the responses to the exam and send it back via mail or email, to be manually validated by the instructors.

They were looking for an Online Campus that could deliver the courses and validate the exams automatically.

[Challenge 2] In march 2020, due to covid lockdown, they have to offer an alternative for its online trainings. As they had thee virtual campus for self-paced courses, they needed to enable video- conferencing capabilities to deliver live courses.

[Challenge 1] At aulasneo, we were able to implement a Virtual Campus based on Open edX to address this challenge. Gradually all its distance course offering was migrated to the online campus.

[Challenge 2] We\’ve enabled the live sessions so that CEEEF could continue its operations running in the lockdown period that has been in place for 4 months so far.

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